Bloopers happen!


Doing photography shoots with pets/animals is never dull and that’s why I enjoy it so much.

As much as it would make my life easier sometimes, unfortunately animals aren’t robots, even the best behaved ones, meaning you never know exactly what they are going to do. I often have the shot I want to capture in my head and it doesn’t always go to plan. This is why it is so important that pets and their owners are put at ease so you can capture the true them even if its not what you had in mind.

Often when I don’t get the shot I set out to get, it’s because the character I had in mind for the particular pet isn’t it’s true character. This is why I always ask the owner, “If you could have one photo of your pet which summed up their character, what would it be?” It gives me and idea of not only expectations but what the pet is like i.e: cheeky, lazy, happy, grumpy….the list goes on.

Sometimes I will get as far as having my dream shot lined up and a leaf will blow in the wrong direction and bang my subject is gone chasing it! No problem, that shot was obviously not meant to be and often the photos that went wrong are the ones that capture true character.

So if your pet is not doing exactly what we’ve asked, please don’t fret! Remember it’s your photoshoot and the most important thing is to enjoy it with your pet so I can get natural shots and something that “captures the character” of your friend.

Some snaps when its not gone to plan…..some of these are fail with a capital F, but that’s why there is a delete button …hehe – enjoy

Exciting news……


I have exciting news….

I know we are all in lockdown and quite frankly its pants isn’t it! I am really missing meeting people and their lovely pets.

However, I have been lucky enough to secure a business space in Felixstowe (my home town) to turn into a studio. It will eventually be next door to my sister in law’s new dog grooming business so people will be able to have their pooches pampered and then papped!

At the moment it is still a work in progress but here’s a sneak peak of Nuka on my new chaise longue.

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She is far from the perfect model as kept running off to investigate the new playroom and I had no assistance due to lockdown, however you get the general idea. There will also be a posh chair to pose on, fluffy rugs and a choice of several back drops!

I look forward to having it all completed so I can show you in a virtual walk around…..eeeek…..

Until then, stay safe everyone and give your pets a hug from me πŸ™‚



Firstly, let me just say this second blog is well overdue as I’ve been super busy and whenever I came to write it I struggled on a topic.

So this weeks topic is just about some things to know about having a shoot with me.

1. I don’t own a studio so all shoots are out on location, that said once government guidelines allow I can come to your home to take photos if your pet is more comfortable there or logistics make it difficult.

2. I like to spend some time at the beginning of the shoot meeting you and your pet to try and put them at ease around me and my equipment. I also like to get an idea of what sort of images you’d like from the shoot.

3. I cannot tell you exactly how many shots I will get in an hours session as that depends immensely on the model, but I will aim to get at least 20 + images that you can choose from.

4. I do offer digitals as a package, but I do not guarantee the quality of printing if used for this. This is why I also offer prints 😊

5. I will often make strange noises to get your pet’s attention during the shoot so please don’t think I’ve become deranged mid shoot. This is also why I like to briefly get to know your pet first as the noises may scare some pets and have the opposite to the desired effect.

6. My main priority during a shoot is making sure you and your pet are at ease and comfortable. If I ask you or your pet to do something you dont think works for them just tell me, there are always different options.

7. I know I keep harping on about meeting you and your pets at the beginning but it is important as I also get a bit of a vibe about what makes them ….well them! I pride myself on “Capturing character” so its important to know what makes your pet unique 😊

8. I will upload your images watermarked to my Facebook page and website for you to view, however if you would rather they were not public this can also be arranged via a link to an online private folder.

9. I cover Suffolk and surrounding counties, however will charge mileage outside of Suffolk.

10. Finally, it’s yours and your pet’s shoot, I’m just there to take photos. So take the time to have some fun, the best photos are the ones that happen organically and aren’t posed, although I will do some of these too so get those cheesy grins and distant stares honed.

I look forward to meeting you and your animal friends.


P.S – Don’t forget that all shoots are free for the rest of the year so take advantage now and get booked in.

*There is no obligation to buy images/photos once you’ve had a shoot*

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